O CLIP-TV esteve no "Pastel de Angu" e trouxe as principais informações deste bar cultural para você; confira abaixo e bom divertimento.
CLIP-TV no "Pastel de Angu"
O "Pastel de Angu" está localizado na esquina das ruas Palmira e Oriente, no bairro Serra, em Belo Horizonte - MG.
Os grandes atrativos da casa são: a cozinha árabe-egípcia-italiana-mineira - uma grande mistura que deu certo - além, é claro, do pastel de angu, que dá nome ao bar. O barzinho também é um point cultural e as tardes de sábado são concorridas lá.
O "Pastel de Angu" fica aberto de terça a sábado, nos seguintes horários:
- terça a sexta, das 17:00 às 24:00;
- sábados, das 16:00 às 24:00.
Nas quintas-feiras, por volta das 20:00 horas, rola uma boa música de variados estilos; nos sábados à tarde, a partir das 16:00 h, tem o concorrido choro da esquina, com uma rapaziada jovem resgatando a cultura musical nacional.
Telefone: (31) 3221-5482
e-mail: decolima9@oi.com.br ou ocombinado@gmail.com
Site (FaceBook do proprietário): www.facebook.com/decolima
Classificação CLIP-TV: Bar
Tipo de público: Cult.
Comentários CLIP-TV: O pastel de angu é puro gosto de milho; a pimenta, de fabricação própria e receita egípcia, é um excelente acompanhamento. Espaço sempre aberto para a boa música e destaque especial para o chorinho que rola nas tardes de sábado.
CLIP-TV at "Pastel de Angu" is another video from the CLIP-TV series "Bars & Restaurants of BH".
It's at Palmira street, number: 816, on the corner of Oriente street, in the suburb: Serra.
The main attractions of the establishment are: the Arabic-Egyptian-Italian-Mineira cuisine - a wide mix that worked - and, of course, the "pastel de angu" (polenta pastel), which names the bar. The bar is also a cultural point and the Saturday afternoos are crowded there.
Openned from Tuesday to Saturday, in the following times:
- Tuesday to Friday, from 5 PM to 0 AM,
- Saturday, from 4 PM to 0 AM,
On Thursdays, around 8 PM, there is always some good music in varied styles; on Saturday afternoons, since 4 PM, there is the sought-after "choro da esquina", with a youth group rescuing the national musical culture.
- Phone: +55 (31) 3221-5482
- e-mail: decolima9@oi.com.br ou ocombinado@gmail.com
- web (owner's FaceBook): www.facebook.com/decolima
CLIP-TV classification: "Bar"
Public: Cult.
CLIP-TV comments: the "pastel de angu" is pure corn taste; the pepper, own manufactured and an Egyptian recipe is an excellent accompaniment. Space always opened for the good music and particular attention to the "chorinho" rolling on Saturday afternoons.
It's at Palmira street, number: 816, on the corner of Oriente street, in the suburb: Serra.
The main attractions of the establishment are: the Arabic-Egyptian-Italian-Mineira cuisine - a wide mix that worked - and, of course, the "pastel de angu" (polenta pastel), which names the bar. The bar is also a cultural point and the Saturday afternoos are crowded there.
Openned from Tuesday to Saturday, in the following times:
- Tuesday to Friday, from 5 PM to 0 AM,
- Saturday, from 4 PM to 0 AM,
On Thursdays, around 8 PM, there is always some good music in varied styles; on Saturday afternoons, since 4 PM, there is the sought-after "choro da esquina", with a youth group rescuing the national musical culture.
- Phone: +55 (31) 3221-5482
- e-mail: decolima9@oi.com.br ou ocombinado@gmail.com
- web (owner's FaceBook): www.facebook.com/decolima
CLIP-TV classification: "Bar"
Public: Cult.
CLIP-TV comments: the "pastel de angu" is pure corn taste; the pepper, own manufactured and an Egyptian recipe is an excellent accompaniment. Space always opened for the good music and particular attention to the "chorinho" rolling on Saturday afternoons.